Behavior Modification
Begins with a Smile
PALS, Inc. is a professional caregiver agency with offices in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angeles Counties. We support adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in meeting their unique goals and needs for greater work opportunities, broader community access and sustainable increases in independent living skills.

“...Behavior Change Begins with a SMILE!”
At PALS Inc., our mission is to help people with intellectual, and/or developmental, physical and socio-emotional disabilities find meaningful work opportunities, increase their community mobility, receive self care supports with dignity, improve with anger management skills, and to provide meaningful supports in other life skills according to the person-centered needs of the individual being supported.

Opportunities for a Lifetime


Have Peace of Mind

PALS, Inc. is a progressive adult day services agency supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who have a history of trauma and/or challenging behaviors.

Day Services

Residential Services

Transportation Services

Person-Centered Planning and Self Determination Services
Success Stories
Living with a developmental disability can present unique challenges, but it doesn't have to define an individual's potential for success. Here are some inspiring stories of our participants with developmental disabilities who have improved their confidence and skills and achieved their aspirations!
Client Testimonials

Our Heroes
Our heroes here at PALS have made not only an impact in their field but also on other people's lives with their compassionate nature, dedication, and determination to help others reach their full potential.
Please contact your social worker and ask for a referral to PALS, or you may contact PALS directly, and we will assist you.
PALS typically receives authorization to provide services thru the Regional Center, County Agencies, or School Districts. The authorizing agency provides payment directly to PALS.
PALS specializes in working with people who may have one or more challenges adjusting to everyday independence, whether it be socio-emotional difficulties or disabilities, e.g., depression, Schizophrenia, a history of abuse, and so forth, as well as with people who need more self-care support, e.g., using the bathroom independently, crossing the street, etc. The common denominator is that the persons served have mild to profound involvement with an intellectual disability.
PALS offers full or part-time, including tailored day services.
PALS has a wide range of vehicles, including vans with hydraulic lifts for persons utilizing a wheelchair. Transportation is funded thru the authorizing agency, and PALS will pick you up at your home and drop you off at the end of the service day.